The terms and conditions of the online shop


1. The online shop is run by BaYka Karolina Poyan-Pogorzelska, inscribed/entered in the Central Register and entered in the Central Register. Information on Business Activity conducted by the Minister of Economy, NIP No. 5422951737
2. These Regulations constitute the rules for the conclusion of distance sales contracts concluded at a distance. via the Store.


1. consumer
A user who is a natural person performing with the Entrepreneur within the store – a legal act not directly related to them their business or professional activities
2. entrepreneur BaYka Karolina Poyan-Pogorzelska, with its registered office Praw Kobiet 6, 15-535 Białystok inscribed/entered in the Central Business Register and Information Minister of Economy NIP No. 5422951737
3. User
Any entity making purchases through the Store.
4. Shopping
Internet shop run by the entrepreneur at the following address


1. Address of the company: Praw Kobiet 6, 15-535 Białystok
2. E-mail address:
3. Phone number: +48 791-981-501
4. The consumer may communicate with the trader via addresses and dataas described in this paragraph.


1. Prices quoted in the Store are given in EUR, PLN, GBP, USD and are gross prices (including tax).
2. The final price of the order shall include the price for the goods and the cost of delivery indicated at on the pages of the Store.


1. The user should pay the trader for the purchased goods within 14 days or within 14 days when the goods are delivered, depending on the method of payment chosen during placing an order.
2. The user may use, among others, the following, from the following forms of payment:
a. bank transfer
b. paypal / credit card
c. klarna
3. Detailed information on accepted payment methods can be found on the following pages : Shop.
4. The goods will be sent by the Entrepreneur within the deadline specified in the goods description, in the following manner selected by the Consumer when placing an order.


1. The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without giving any reason.
2. The withdrawal period shall expire after 14 days from the day on which the consumer enters into the contract possession of an article or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by The consumer took possession of the goods
3. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the consumer must inform the trader of their decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an unequivocal declaration, using data of the Entrepreneur given in these regulations.
4. The consumer may use the model withdrawal form provided for in at the end of these Rules of Procedure, but this is optional.
5. In order to keep the time limit for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient for the consumer to send the information concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before expiry of the time-limit until withdrawing from the contract.
6.Effects of withdrawal:
a. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the trader shall return all of the following to the consumer payments received from the Consumer, including delivery costs
– additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Entrepreneur in the store, immediately, and in any event not later than 14 days from the date on which the Entrepreneur has been informed about the consumer’s decision to exercise the right of withdrawal.
b. The Entrepreneur’s reimbursement shall be made by the Entrepreneur using the same means of payment as those used by the Entrepreneur have been used by the consumer in the original transaction, unless the consumer expressly states otherwise agreed to a different solution; in any case, the consumer shall not pay any fees in connection with this reimbursement;
c. The trader may withhold a refund until the goods have been received or until the goods have been received the time taken to provide proof of its sending, whichever is the event emissions will occur earlier;
d. The consumer should return the goods to the address of the trader indicated here in Rules of Procedure shall apply immediately and in any event not later than 14 days from the date on which
has informed the trader of the withdrawal from the contract. The deadline will be met if The consumer shall return the goods within 14 days;
e. The consumer shall bear the direct cost of returning the goods;
f. The consumer shall be liable only for the diminished value of the goods resulting from his use of it in a manner other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and performance of the product things.
7. Where, by reason of their nature, they cannot normally be held in the ordinary course of action the information sent by post about this, as well as the cost of returning the goods, shall be included in Description of things in the Store.
8. The consumer shall not have the right to withdraw from a distance contract in respect of to the Agreement:
a. the object of which is a non-refabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications or personalised needs;


1. The trader is obliged to deliver the goods free of defects.
2. In the event of a defect in the goods purchased from the trader, the Consumer shall be entitled to Complaints based on warranty regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code.
3. The complaint should be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the following address regulations governing the addresses of the entrepreneur.
4. It is recommended that the complaint should include, among others concise description of the defect, date of its occurrence, data the consumer submitting the complaint and the Consumer’s demand in relation to the defect of the goods.
5. The trader shall respond to the consumer’s complaint demand within 14 days, and if he does not do so within that period, the consumer’s claim shall be deemed justified.
6. Goods sent back under the complaint procedure must be sent to the address given in § 3.Rules of Procedure.
7. If the product is covered by warranty, information about it and its content, will be included in the product description in the Store.


1. The consumer has the possibility to take advantage of among others:
a. mediation conducted by the Voivodeship Inspectorates of the Commercial Inspection.
b. assistance of permanent amicable consumer courts operating at the Voivodship’s offices Inspectorates of the Commercial Inspection Authority

1. The User, when purchasing from the Store, voluntarily provides his or her personal data, which is necessary. For this purpose they will be processed by the entrepreneur.
2. The User has the right to inspect the personal data concerning him or her and to request their correction.
3. The administrator of personal data is the Entrepreneur.

1. In matters not regulated by these Rules of Procedure, they shall be generally applicable provisions of Polish law, in particular: the Act on Consumer Rights of 30 May 2014, the Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 and the Code Act the civil proceedings of 17 November 1964.
2. Purchase agreement concluded